Jordan Naumburg, Class of 2022

Name: Jordan Naumburg

Graduating Class: 2022

Major: Mechanical Engineering

UC Davis Rugby Position(s): Back three (wing/fullback)

Why did you choose to attend UC Davis? My parents met in California but moved to Colorado so my dad could pursue his coaching career. I always wanted to return to California for school; once I was accepted into Davis, I toured the campus and immediately knew it was the university for me. Davis advocates for a strong community and has one of the best public education systems this nation has to offer(top 5 in the USA). Looking back, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

What was the recruitment process like for you? I attended How Do You Rec during the summer going into my freshman year and signed up for info emails for Rugby practice. I came out to the first practice and the Captain and the Co-Captain introduced themselves right away. I instantly felt welcomed and wanted to keep playing Rugby. I found myself continuously coming back to practice; I was happy to see the team and be working to be the best we could be.

What are your favorite parts about being a member of the UC Davis rugby program? I love to constantly work on improving myself with others, be apart of a team, and play rugby, which, is arguably one of the most physically demanding and fun games to be played. Being apart of the team keeps me busy and has opened opportunities for me. Some of my best memories in college have been traveling with the team: playing in tournaments together and celebrating a win on a 9-hour bus ride home.

What are your favorite parts about being a student at UC Davis? Biking. It is surprisingly fun and relaxing to bike all around the campus and the city of Davis. I enjoy to get to class on time yet cruise around to lunch or the library.

How do you balance schoolwork and rugby? Everyday when I wake up, I write down my objectives for the day as well as sit down and meditate. Its not what everyone does but because I just like to have my day well planned out, this helps me continuously be productive. I also make sure I drink a ton of water because Davis is on a fast paced lifestyle with their quarter system. People are often on the go to class, study, or sleep. Its good to be hydrated as well as have large meals throughout the day.

What does a typical day and/or week look like for you? Mondays and Wednesdays are the busiest days of the week consisting of a lift, school, practice and work. Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually big lab days and longer lectures. Fridays gets better and better every year. As an engineer, you typically start of with 2-3 lectures every Friday your freshman year and by the time you are a junior you have no classes on Friday. Even though it allows for more free time, I use this time to do home work so my Sunday's are not so intense. Saturday is Rugby day, get to travel with the boys and have some fun. Sundays can be an intense study day if I did not have enough free time on Friday, but I usually have free time on Sunday's to read or play video games.

What's the biggest challenge about playing rugby at UC Davis? Always putting the betterment of the team before your desires. This past season, I felt that I wasn't getting the amount of starts that I believed I deserved. Once I saw that its not something that anyone deserves but that its earned by the hardest working and talented individuals that the team has to offer, I learned to let go of my ego. The more I worked, the more I was rewarded. I've seen people who have started since their sophomore year get replaced by someone three years younger then them who were working harder then them. Wearing the jersey is an honor, and should always be treated as such.

Besides rugby, what else are you involved in on campus? I actually have a campus job. I work for the TAPS department and I am a bike coordinator. With the amount of people biking in and out of campus(The Census Bureau has ranked Davis the largest biking community relative to city population in the USA), a lot of people abandon their bikes or their locks rust and get stuck. We get to drive around in a truck and cut bikes for work, pretty chill stuff man.

Is there anything you'd like to share with a high school player who is interested in UC Davis? College is a time in your life where you figure out who you want to be in this world and plan how you will eventually get there. With a decision so large, trust your gut. If you choose Davis, we would love to have you be apart of our team and community.